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Forums and Resources FAQ / Quick Start

Discussion in 'Start Here' started by Walter, Jun 15, 2020.

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  1. Walter

    Walter Administrator Staff Member

    What is this forum about?
    This forum is all about EM Microelectronic’s products. At this time, it's focused on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, Bluetooth 4.2 and 5.0) chips and designs, and EM8500 Power Management. It is the best place for direct interaction with EM support engineers and other developers like yourself working with EM products.

    em|developer short presentation

    For others product lines please contact:
    Who can post here?
    You must register to read or post in most forums. In fact most forums will look empty if you’re not signed in.

    How do I register?
    Click “Log in or Sign up” in the upper right. Choose a user name and fill in your account information. You should receive a Confirmation email immediately. You’ll receive an Approval email after typically 24 hours when your registration is complete. You're ready to read and post.

    I think I'm registered but I don't have/I forgot my password
    Click “Log in or Sign up”, select "Forgot your password" and enter your email address. Follow the prompts to reset your password.

    I don’t see a forum that’s right for my topic. Where should I post?
    Go ahead and post in General Questions.

    Can I email EM directly?
    Absolutely. Send email to forum@emmicroelectronic.com. (Tip: Click on ‘Contact Us’ in the lower right.) You will get a response in 24 hours or less, usually less.

    Do EM employees monitor the forums? How quickly can I expect a response?
    EM engineers read and respond to the forums continuously. Primary support is on US Mountain time (GMT-7) and in Switzerland (GMT+1). Depending on where the best person is to engage in your discussion, response time may vary.

    What are the Resources available from emDeveloper after registration:
    View attachment 1556


    emDeveloper and Confidentiality
    Please do not disclose over Forum threads any peace of confidential or sensitive information related to your project, product or company. In accordance of Forum principle the messages posted in the forum threads are disclosed to all emdeveloper members.

    emDeveloper and Message Integrity
    Forum threads are open to contribution from all forum members,
    EM Moderators will do their best to verify message correctness and relevance but in all the cases EM is not responsible for the content posted by any forum member.

    Can I attach files to a post?
    Yes. You can attach zip, txt, pdf, jpg, and gif up to 2MB.

    Can I use markup (BBCode, HTML)?
    BBCode yes. HTML no. Here is the list of BBCodes
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
  2. Walter

    Walter Administrator Staff Member

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